Photos by Simona Berman!

John Murdock made another tardis in Washington Square Park this past friday.. WOAH! And Took dressed as an Alien.. again. Except this time Mike Milazzo came out, played music and rocked it with various musicians in the park.. including the lovely Rowan Katz and Emily Weekes. We were also kept company by Simona Berman and Gregory Levine!



ROCKING IT! Mike Milazzo and Emily Weekes on guitar. Rowan Katz dancing and singing her heart out. John Murdock focused and Took Edalow focused as well! Art beasts! All of them! 


John Murdock works on his tardis and Milazzo keeps on a rockin’

Took working on Rowans loverly face!

Took working on Rowans loverly face!


Took, Simona and Milazzo goof off!

More Took painting Rowan!

  More Took painting Rowan!

Thanks for reading! Join us in the park soon!

Friday Awesomeness in the Park with Toodock! –FAERIES AND A TARDIS!

Toodock – John Murdock and myself (Took Edalow) have been having tons of fun in Washington Square Park these past two fridays.

On Friday May 29th Toodock and Piera Yerkes (Our housemate and ridiculously original and awesome artist)  hit the park with balloons, face painting, paintings for sale and chalk drawings!….OH AND DID I MENTION THAT JOHN AND PIERA BUILT A GIANT BALLOON TARDIS? (like Doctor Who)


Me (Took) dressed as an Alien in front of the Tardis!

I painted myself as a trippy Alien and painted Piera as what Icalled a “Lizard Psychic”  Eden Brower came to hang out with us for the while, took tons of pictures and also blogged about us! Check out Edens blog post on Toodock here! Also  I recommend checking out her other blog posts!

Piera and Took goofing! Piera is only half painted in this picture and Took clearly has no idea its being taken. Photo Credit to Eden Brower

Piera and Took goofing! Piera is only half painted in this picture and Took clearly has no idea its being taken. Photo Credit to Eden Brower

John Murdock making balloons for kids with a nearly built tardis behind him! Photo by Eden Brower

John Murdock making balloons for kids with a nearly built tardis behind him! Photo by Eden Brower

And on Friday June 6th Murdock and I collaborated on making giant fairies! Murdock made the bodies and I made the faces out of canvas and acrylic paint.

The Fay Creature!

The Fay Creature!

Murdock with the Fay Creature.

Murdock with the Fay Creature.

The following week we made an Elephant. Soon we plan on making another Tardis! We also want to make a freaky fruit tree of some kind!

Come check it out! We will be at the park most Fridays and Sundays throughout the warm season!